
7 Essential Items You Need to Bring on Your Hunting Trip

It is easy to prepare a checklist for any camping, but when it turns into a hunting trip, priorities vary. The reason is the added element of firepower and hunting is an activity that stirs up so many variables.

If you can’t decide which items should be brought and which are not, this giveaway is for you. So, for being fully prepared, here are 7 Essential Items You Need to Bring on Your Hunting Trip.


7 essential items



7 Essential Items You Need to Bring on Your Hunting Trip


1.     Water

Staying active is extremely important in a hunting trip. You have to stay hydrated for staying active. So, water is the most important thing in your backpack.  Make sure you brought enough water for the full duration of your hunting trip. Remember one thing- anything may to your water container, so bring more water with you because resources for refining water may not always available

Considering on the duration of your hunt, don’t be thrifty to invest on this because dehydration can be your worst enemy.


2.     Long range scope

Having tactical long range scopes during your hunting trip will surely provide you a great advantage over your target because they got really a long range.  You can easily monitor your target and anticipate its movement with long range scopes. We advise you to choose tactical long range scopes that have a large magnification scale, better grip, and waterproof feature.

You are suggested to find the best long range scopes online from here.


3.     First Aid Kit

One of the most important things that should be in your hunting trip backpack is first aid kit. You should be prepared for any kind of situation because there are thousand ways to be hurt. Having the basic aid will not leave you stuck in the wilderness. Your first aid kit should include antibiotic ointment, band aids, aspirin, bite/sting pads, Tylenol, and burn cream.

You can also add pressure bandage, gauze, chest seal, small zip lock bag, etc with your aid kit.


4.     Survival Gear

Fire Starter: carrying some sort of fire starter is beneficial whenever you’re set for a hunting trip. You can carry any type of fire starter but keep one thing in your mind that your fire starter may get wet in any particular situation. Keep your lighter to a container to protect it from getting wet. We advise you to carry a survival fire starter that is lightweight and works if it gets wet. Survival Blanket: You’ll never know how fast the weather may change in wilderness. You may get stuck faster than your expectation. Because of this reason, we always recommend you to carry a survival blanket for extra warmth if needed. Flashlight or Headlamp: Pack a flashlight or a headlamp to ensure you’re not left in the dark. We recommend you to pack both if you have enough space in your backpack.


5.     Food or Snacks

Carrying food is a must to keep your energy up in a hunting trip. Ensure your wellbeing by carrying healthy food and snacks in wilderness. Pack ready to eat or easy to prepare lightweight foods in your backpack. Pack extra cooking equipment if you want to cook during the trip but it may add extra weight. Your food and snacks may include jerky, mixed nuts, high-calorie protein bars and pre-packed dried food. Do not forget to pack a jetboil to heat them up.


6.     Map

Although you are comfortable to depend on modern guiding devices to navigate, we advise you to keep a detailed map of your hunting area. You can also bring a printout of the Google maps. Remember you may need some online navigation in any failure of your device.


7.     Personal Items

Hunting License:  one of the most important things that should be in your hunting backpack is your hunting license. Do not forget to carry it. Medication: include the medications you used to take in your backpack in your trip. Toilet paper: Another important and forgettable item that should be in your backpack is toilet paper. Don’t forget to dispose it in a proper way too. Satellite phone: Don’t make your life like a horror movie by forgetting your satellite phone. It can help you communicate for help in case of emergency.


If you pack these 7 essential items on your hunting trip, your trip will be more fun and secure. Do not bring things that have no use.

We didn’t suggest a knife here, but if you pack without knives, it can be foolish. Best of luck for your next hunting.


Article By: Erik Himmel


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  1. It really helped when you talked about what equipment you’ll need when going hunting. My dad and my uncle invited me to go duck hunting. I’m worried about what I’d need to take along, so I’m researching it, and I think your article will help me with that. I appreciate your tips about the importance of taking the necessary stuff to ensure a fun and safe hunting trip.

  2. The article highlights essential items like water, first-aid kit, and survival gear, which are all crucial. For those looking to enhance their accuracy and experience, a Swarovski rifle scope is a worthwhile addition. It boosts visibility and precision, especially in low-light conditions, which can be game-changing during those critical pre-dawn or dusk hunts.

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